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Les élections US et l'infiltration démoniaque

De Gwendolen Rix page sur facebook

" Bring the content of this video to the LORD in prayer, friends. It says much concerning the true status of our country today. If you want to consider the demon-alien-repilian topic as a huge hoax, I suggest you go before the LORD and ask Him sincerely to confirm that this is the real thing. They are here and they are having much fun during these presidential encounters mocking the children of God and the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY HIMSELF. Many folks out there are placing their hope in Donald Trump. All I can say is what I keep hearing from the LORD in the Spirit over and over again--"It doesn't matter who wins the elections; it only matters who is on the Throne and that is the MESSIAH, JESUS CHRIST!" Please prepare your hearts for the coming of the Messiah and prepare a fresh bunch of food and water for the events that are on their way. When several months have gone by and nothing may have happened, just count yourselves blessed that the LORD loves us so much that He is giving our loved ones time to come to the fold. Amen. I also want to ask for special prayers, friends, for the work that brother Seho and I are doing for the LORD. We do need an extra layer of protection as we expose some raw nerves of the beast and his minions. Thank you. Hugs in Jesus's name. 'THE PRESIDENTIAL PENTAGRAM' Reptilian Alien DNA UNVEILEDThe Presidential Pentagram: Key Strategy of the Enemy at the End of Time: As Spoken by Lord Yeshua/Jesus Christ (Words Received by Messenger Gwendolen…"

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